Old Catholic Apostolic Church

The Independent Liberal Catholic Fellowship

Independent Liberal Catholic FellowshipThe Independent Liberal Catholic Fellowship is a unique gathering of clergy and communities in the liberal catholic tradition administered by the Old Catholic Apostolic Church.

"The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit is a Mystery "which from all ages has been hid in God." Eph.3.9
The Independent Liberal Catholic Fellowship came into being in early 2007 as a result of contacts between clergy in the liberal catholic tradition. It is an ecumenical clergy and community fellowship, and acts as an umbrella body for independent Catholics in the liberal tradition worldwide. It is autonomous, and has no connection with any of the churches currently using a formulation of the name "Liberal Catholic" save the LCAC (Liberal Catholic Apostolic Church) the fore-runner to OCAC.

The ILCF is not a fellowship of dogma; rather, it is a fellowship of support and freedom. It does not seek to control what its members believe or their approach to worship and devotions, but is an informal union of hearts and minds, joining together individual clergy and their jurisdictions for mutual edification and the greater glory of God. In this sense it fulfils more than a merely organisational role, and is a spiritual bond across boundaries.

Membership of the ILCF is open to clergy and communities only; there is no provision for individual lay membership. Clergy who have been ordained in the Apostolic Succession may become members even if their community is not, provided their Ordinary consents to their joining the ILCF. Those in minor orders, religious communities, or with non-Apostolic Succession ordinations can be accommodated: as long as the ethos of free catholic expression is encouraged. Members may belong to other associations or none at their choice. There are no membership dues, although all are expected to support the ILCF in its work in their prayers and as their spiritual resources permit. The ILCF is organised directly by and is an autonomous religious society of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church. It is a 'subsiduary' of the legal not-for-profit religious body which is OCAC, but is autonomous in nearly every respect.  ILCF members are associates of, but not automatically part of OCAC.

We have community and clergy members currently in many countries, embracing a following of several thousand souls.

The ILCF offers to God and His people a witness to a distinct and historical tradition of Catholicism that is different from that of the contemporary Roman Catholic church. Because it is non-dogmatic in nature, it welcomes those who are drawn to a liberal interpretation of Catholicism equally with those who come from within the traditions of the Liberal Catholic movement. It welcomes those clergy and denominations who recognise the essentials of Catholic sacramental worship but are stifled by teachings that are at variance with the love of God. The ILCF will not turn you away if you have been divorced, or if you are in civil partnership. It will not turn you away if your faith is mystic or shaped by individual conscience rather than Church dogma. It will not turn you away because of your sexuality.

The ILCF is Catholic but independent of the existing Roman Catholic and Liberal Catholic churches. It is free from the control and influence of national governments, and does not seek to impose upon the consciences of its members. It seeks to regain that relationship with God through Jesus Christ that was the blessing of the earliest Christians. It teaches that Christianity and liberty are indelibly united; "if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed!" (John 8:36)
Why join?
The ILCF has grown considerably since its inception. We believe it fulfils an important role as a fellowship of those who stand against the dangers of fundamentalism, intolerance and selective literalism that recently threaten the Church. Our independence gives us an unique voice for tolerance and freedom of conscience. We acknowledge that our members may be very different from one another and may believe very different things. What unites us is firstly a commitment to the essential truths of the Christian tradition and secondly a desire to turn the concept of the "broad church" into reality, seeking strength in our diversity. All ILCF members are vetted, and checked that their serving is a properly recognised group exercising liberal non-dogmatic sacramental worship. While there is no set pattern, liturgy, or creed - for such is the responsibility of the minister to decide - membership of ILCF is a 'qualification' or reference: that the member continues to practice and encourage catholic worship in a liberal setting.

If you join us, we do not ask you to change the name of your community or your ministry. All we ask is that you say that your community or ministry is now a member of the Independent Liberal Catholic Fellowship and that you adhere to a liberal interpretation of the CatholicChristian faith in theology and practice. We will not seek to change the way you worship or the way your church is run. You retain full control, but benefit from the support and prayers of a widespread and strong fellowship of like-minded clergy.
Dean of the Independent Liberal Catholic fellowship: Arthur Martinson
Patron: The Rt Revd Adrian S Glover OCR OSJ, patriarch of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church.
Parent Body: 07221223 the Old Catholic Apostolic Church registered in England & Wales, UK.

To begin discussions concerning membership, please contact us via email.

Church and Location, Name and Religious Name

Independent Liberal Catholic
UK – Suffolk Bishop Charles Mugleston

Australian Old Catholic Church
Australia – Brisbane Bishop Ian Adrian
Australia – Queensland Revd. Mtr. Lilliam Montalvan
Australia – Queensland Revd. Mtr. Donna Pappin
Australia – Queensland Revd. Lexia Nation
King of Love Ministries International (KOLMI)
Kenya – Nairobi Bishop Margaret Kavuu Martin

International Orthodox Church
Ukraine - Rev. Yuri Prikotenko

Old Catholic Apostolic Church

Brazil – San Salvador Dom Jorge Costa
Brazil – Sao Paulo Revd. Fr. Nilson Mariano Filho
Colombia - Padre Santiago Zamora
Croatia - Br. Andrija Skulic OSJ
France – Neville sur Seine Br. Daniel Mergueson OFS
Germany - Bishop Ulrich Schwab
Greece - Athens Bishop Antonios Chrondronikos
India – Hydarabad Rt. Revd. Konduri Danielyu
India – Hydarabad Revd. Gilgal James
India – Kurnool Fr. Thambi Joseph
India – Telangana Revd. Dr. Victor Rao
Israel – Jerusalem Issa Lubbatt
Italy - Dom Emiliano Morici
Netherlands – Lochem Bishop Paula-Willemijn van Rooijen
Netherlands - Very Revd. Peter van Zuidam
Netherlands - Ghent Bishop Marc Croux De Jonge Ritus
Netherlands - Revd Amanda Lombard
Netehrlands - Johanns Maria de Veen
Netherlands - Robert Walter Alexander Ozinga
Nigeria – Abuja Bishop Raphael Fagbohun
Norway - Revd. Johan arnt Alstad
Pacific Islands – Vanuatu Revd. Rex Thomas
Pakistan - Mussaratt Samuel
Peru – Lima Bishop David Quispe Aguirre
Philippines – Tagum City Revd. Malachi Galing
Poland – Wroclaw Prof. Bilinski
Portugal – Lisbon Fr. Gian Cavallero
Romania – Cluj-Napoca Fr. Theodor Pop
Scotland – Stranraer Revd. Amma Carol Ann Searle
Spain - Madrid  Br Fernando Torres
South Africa – Eastern Cape Msgr. Wellington Mbuleo Setanane
South Africa – Praetoria Msgr. Albert Mthanjiswa Majozi
South Africa – St. Dominic Fr. William Mashaba
Thailand – Kalasin Louis Martin Del Bosque
UK - Antrim Patrick Loughlan
UK - Ayrshire Msgr. David Parry
UK - Birmingham Revd. Roman Bloodworth
UK - Bristol Revd. Fr. James Tuite
UK – Crewe Revd. Fr. Rob Shepherd
UK – Cumbria Revd. Debra Maria Flint
UK – Derby Revd. Canon Kevin Ratcliffe
UK – Dorset Bishop Adrian Glover OCR OSJ Mar Trimlett
UK – Eastbourne Bishop Roger Crosthwaite
UK - Edinburgh Michael Templeton
UK - Felixstowe Rufua Ulrick
UK - Gloucester Bishop Jon Chapman
UK – Gloucester Revd. Fr. Peter Abrahams
UK - Gloucester Revd. Major Gen. Prof. Alan Hawley CBE
UK - Gloucester Revd. Ken THomas
UK – Hull & Humber Revd. Seth Ben Archer
Uk - Kent Marianne Holmans
UK – Lancashire Revd. Helen Steival
UK – Lancashire Fr. Cornelius Steival
UK – Leicester  Revd. Liz Maitland
UK – Lincolnshire Revd. Andrew Eade
UK – London Revd. Fr. John Hudson-Beddows
UK - London Revd. Dr Christina Loughran
UK - London Fr. Jeen Thomas
UK - London Ruben Mendoza
UK – North Yorkshire Fr. Adrian Whelan
UK – Nottingham Revd. Amma Jeanette Aubrey OMM
UK – Oldham Revd. Fr. Marien Bemi
UK – Poole Revd. Amma Elaine Waterfield
UK – Sheffield  Graham Roos
UK – South Yorkshire Revd. Richard Watterston
UK – South Yorkshire Sr. Cheryl Watterston
UK - Staffordshire Msgr. Alan Cox
UK - Scotland Msgr. David Parry
UK - Scotland Revd. Fr Michael Templeton
UK - Scotland Revd. Alyson Dunlop Shanes
UK – West Midlands  Revd. Amma Angela Partoon
UK - Wiltshire Fr. David Knipe
UK – Yorkshire Fr. John Bulksas FMC
USA -  Revd. Christopher Sedlmeyer
USA – North Carolina Deacon Jason Vandenberger
USA – Texas Deacon Marti Martinson
USA - Revd. Dr. Clinton Bennett
USA - Revd. Dr. Daniel Medina

United Liberal Catholic Church of Congo & Cameroun
Msgr Jean Pierre Kayembe - DRC
Revd. Fr, Augustin, Nanga, Cameroun
Revd. Fr. Loulendo, Congo Brazzaville Liberal Catholic Church of Paraguay
Asuncion - Msgr Andres Omar Ayala

St Brigit's Community Catholic Church (Canada)
Very Revd. Philip Bradley
Very Revd. Charlene Bradley

New Jerusalem Liberal Anglican Church
Italy - Reggio Emilia Bishop Giovanni Pede
Italy - Reggio Emilia Hallyson Boldrini

Free Catholic Church of Africa
Congo - Mgr Innocent Kikoo Ngongo
Congo - Reverend Joseph Ilunga Katengayi

Nicene Apostolic Church
UK Bishop Chris Oliver
UK Bishop Leon Hunt

Greater Life Evangelistic Temple
Africa – Ghana Bishop Emmanuel Kwasi Mensah
Africa – Ghana Revd. Rosemond Opoku Mensah
Africa – Ghana Revd. Phillip Osei Bonsu
Africa – Ghana Revd. Appiah Kofi Fordjour
Africa – Ghana Revd. Margaret Owusu
Africa – Ghana Revd. Pastor Moses Kwasi Donkor
Africa – Ghana Revd. Pastor Bismark Aboagye
Africa – Ghana Revd. Prince Silas Larbi

Catholic Apostolic Church International
USA - The Most Reverend Joaquin Perez, Bishop. Spirit of God Parish
USA - The Rev. Fr. Michael Calderin. Saint Jude Catholic Mission

Spiritual Gnostic Church (Ekklesia Gnostica Pneumatica)
Serbia – Belgrade Bishop Emir Salihovic
Serbia – Belgrade Subdeaconess Bojana Miladinovic
Serbia – Belgrade Subdeacon Nebojsa Mircetovic
Serbia – Belgrade Subdeacon Sasa Miladinovic

Benedictines of the Holy Spirit
USA – North Carolina Ted Woolridge
USA – Utah Bishop Terry Elkington

De Jonge Ritus
Belgium - Bishop Marc Croux
Netherlands - Revd. Amanda Lombard
Netherlands - Revd. Arie Rosendaal
Netherlands - Revd. Peter van Zuidam

Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch

UK – Kettering Bishop Leon Hunt
USA – Virginia Bishop Mark Elliott Newman

The Young Rite

Netherlands - Revd. Hilde Knijn
Nigeria - Revd. Ibiso Igani
Slovenia - Rt. Revd. Aristid Havilek
Slovenia - Rt. Revd. Markus van Alphen
Slovenia - Rt. Revd. Domen Koevar
Slovenia - Revd. Franek Doboviek
Slovenia - Revd. Jurji Engelsberger
Slovenia - Revd. Sreko Konec
Slovenia - Revd. Danica Pavli
Slovenia - Revd. Vlasta Mili
Slovenia - Revd. Polona Sepe
Slovenia - Revd. Bronja Kokalj
South Africa - Revd. Franz Devantier
USA - Revd. Dr. Edward Parkinson

Ecclesia Catholica Gnostica Rosae+Crucis

(Chiesa Giovannita Celtica Liberale)
Sicily, Italy - +Tau (Mar) Christodoulos (Mons. Renato Vinciguerra)

United Ecumenical Catholic Church (UECC)

USA - Abp. Brian Putzier
Spain - Revd. Emilio Sanchez
USA - Revd. Andrew Dutton

Aquarian Catholic Spiritual Community

USA – Florida Revd. Sergio Perez-Melo

Nueva Iglesia Luterana Independiente

Columbia – Bishop Cristian Piedrahita

Iglesia Catolica Liberal Mar Thoma Obispado de Cuba

Cuba - Bishop Rolando Rumbaut Lopez
Cuba - Bishop-elect Ruben Alvaro Mora Perez
Cuba - Revd. Aldo GUillermo Alberola Garcia (Archpriest)
Cuba - Revd. Jorge Mayo Carvajal
Cuba - Br. Deyner Castillo Delgado
Cuba - Br. Barbaro Yudiel de Armas Guerra

African Orthodox Church

Bishop Jorge Brito
Revd. Jorge Luis Alfonso Mejias
Revd. Julian Anibal Garcia Valdes
Revd. Yenier Carmenate Fuentes
Sub Deacon Aurelio Andres Diaz Fabre

Goldkreuzer Gemeinschaft

Austria - Osterreich Kurt J Bruk
Austria - Styria Revd. Herbert Fuchs
Austria - Osterreich Alois Brandstotter
Germany - Kapellenstrasse Bishop Klaus Mass
Hungary - Osmanbuk Joszef Pittner
Switzerland - Luzern  Josef Luthold